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Transplanting the Gate

Created: 2024apr02tue

Updated: 2024aug01thu


The anarchic, hope-punk, Zen-Taoist Hebrew was forty-eight years old when, without ever having visited any temple before, and only having casually observed many informal teachers of various subjects from a distance in passing, he first encountered the Gate at No-Boundary.


He stopped to consider it...


and, as he superficially meditated on it, during his ordinary activities from day to day as he tarried there, within a few short weeks, he came to the happy realisation that:


(1) he had actually been grokking enlightenment for more than three decades already – without even realising,


(2) master Wumen Huikai's teachings are all actually nothing more than merely just so many more words with the express purpose of facilitating this (which?) very self-same meta-realisation in the first place, which


(3) then implies that the Gate, although named, actually non-exists, is'ing un-is.



It all started when he first learnt, as a child of merely ten years old already, that time can be structured, that activities can be scheduled, and how schedules need to be – and can be – flexible (like, as he only learnt more than three decades later, even the rigid geometry of Space also bends gravito-geodesically into mass).


Then, little more than half a decade later, in his study of poetry, he realised what it means to think about the mechanics of the creative process, and where thoughts come from, how they are thought, and how to become aware of, recognise and identify his own thoughts, how to grasp, comprehend, penetrate, understand, and analyse them into their constituent elements, and resynthesise these elements, through this kind of meta-thinking, into new, further thoughts – and meaning – and how we learn, see, know, grok, and grow.


Shortly after that, he began to learn how dimensions work, and to discover what they actually are, and how they are related to the reality of dreams, and to the dreaminess of reality, and he started to see the basic infinite-eternity of the structure of the lower levels of the fracto-dimensional framework of Existence, and beyond... For a few years, he struggled trying to answer the koan ‘What is real, and what is not?’, but, eventually, determined how to make sense of, and deal with this new, expanded, all-inclusive reality when he finally accepted that there is no not-real, but is there now-here then, which might be distinguished from each other for the sake of popularly-normal blissful ignorance.


...and, at the same time, he also realised just exactly how very meta ‘‘this’’ actually is,


while also learning how solitude, silence, simplicity, fasting, study, meditation, and prayer actually work,


and, simultaneously, how to ...walkwherewaterwould...;


and how to recognise and make notes of things he is likely to forget, resynthesise them into typographically-poetical summaries that make more sense, and which he is more likely to remember, and how to communicate these ideas unmisunderstandably so that others might also begin to meta-learn.

...and what the meaning of 'meaning' means... (y'know whad'i mean?... ;)

He prayed that he would only ever have enough, and that not even his faith in trusting the practice of his religion would ever prevent him from knowing the Creator in every moment.


Shortly after that, he learnt about grokking for the first time, and began to grok it, i.e. to meta-grok, to grok meta-grok, and to meta-meta-grok a lot – without smoking pot, or taking an LSDot...


(and what each of all these words here actually meta-means)


Eventually, he also meta-realised that all realisation is simply pattern recognition, facilitated by the two fundamental questions: ‘What is similar?’ and ‘What is different?’ (...and the third that is like unto these: ‘What does it mean?’)


...And then he learnt what shalom means, and realised how he had already grokked, for a long time, that choices made in shalom, yield consequences of even greater shalom, and how to begin to practise acting more consistently in shalom, and to
...walkwherewaterwould..., in order to take care of his own mental health and personal well-being so that he can assist others in their learning of how to take care of themselves, in order to perpetuate perpetuating positive, productive perpetuation perpetually in the perpetual perpetuity of the upcoming generations, and how to finish his work, and how to rest.


Then he found himself in a situation which allowed him to take back his soul from the system, and he realised why and how it is O.K. to say ‘no’ and deny a request without explanation.


Then he learnt about security vs. privacy, anarchism, and truth-justice-freedom.


...And then he began to learn about his ikigais, past, continuing, and changing...


and Taoism, and Buddhism.




...and then he had this meta-realisation:


enlightenment ≡ realisation

Meta-realisation opens the gate into the awareness of continual realisation of the true meaning of each moment within its immediate context, and within all Existence, and beyond – but also within itself, and without. ...and how to communicate it so that others can begin to grok this too. ... into the awareness which has never been fenced off.


The student must come to their own meta-realisation, by themselves, for themselves, of themselves. Realisation, after having been told what and how to realise, is no realisation; the telling merely moves the gate so much farther. Life is permeated by an infinite multitude of moments of realisation, and the student will do well to seek them out, actively – consciously. ...deliberately.


From that first moment of meta-realisation, all past experiences change subtly, like a personality, no future experience will ever be the same again, and everything then always remains ... new.


The quiet sound of one hand is nothing compared to the big bang of meta-realisation, and how the revelation of this truth regarding the actual reality of the situation now raises the standard even so much higher up into the meta-infinities of the concept...


Then he lifted the Gate at No-Boundary from its foundations, displaced it some distance farther, and walked along on his Way, grateful, smiling to himself as he went, imagining how someone else will come along after him, and move the gate even farther...








...And then, one day, he passed by the gate again, pretty much accidentally (or so it seemed), while considering whether and how to do some house cleaning. He stopped, and contemplated the gate for a little while, and realised that merely pretending to be a master is actually entirely sufficient to be a master, because all masters are actually merely pretenders: ordinary people, trying to help other ordinary people as best they both think they are aware of being able to best help each other. ...And he still does not really know, in cleaning his house, where to put the gate. ... Perhaps he should put it on his website, somewhere...





This morning the Zen-Taoist Hebrew woke up with further enlightenment, and transplanted the gate yet even farther.

Outside In

Zen demands discipline,

     fighting against nature.

Tao allows  discipline,

     flowing  with    Nature.

The discipline followed by the Zen-Taoist Hebrew is

     the Truth, Justice and Freedom of Towrâh,

        turning  from    inner nature

(that's fighting against outer Nature) --

        flowing  with    outer Nature,

        transforming     inner nature...



Then the Zen-Taoist Hebrew woke up this morning, and, as he lay there for a while paging through his thoughts and memories, looking for a new realisation, he suddenly realised that this is what he does when he lies like that, paging through his thoughts and memories... he is actively searching for a new realisation, something new to learn (or even just re-realising an old realisation would be good, as well, you know) [whether or not he realises that he remembers that he had realised it before].

Then he got out of bed, and realised that he had just had a realisation worth realising, and remembering, and recording, and so he got ready for the day, went out, and transplanted the gate a little bit farther.



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