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Created: 2023feb21tue

Updated: 2024jul30tue

Sometimes, late at night, around a camp fire, people start thinking, and talking, and wondering ... about all their wanderings...


This started out on the Trails homepage on this wixsite, but I've decided to clean things up a little, and expand this particular bit.


Religion, and faith. ... You might disagree, but I think that our way of living our life is the broadest representation of our religion, and it is a manifestation of how strong our faith is that this religion of ours is actually worth all of that sacrifice. ... think about it for a bit... Sela. ;)

In case you're wondering, I'm with Nazarene Israel. To Christians, I seem to be a Jew; to Jews, I seem to be Christian... it's not complicated, just complex. ...And once you've worked through the complexities, it's actually a lot simpler than it might seem at first. the uncomplicatedness of the Dao, with a spot of Zen on the side. long as it doesn't conflict with the Towrâh or the New Testament. No, I'm not trying to serve two (or three, or four) masters. ...but I don't pretend to get it right all the time either. It's a journey; and the goal is reached by getting back up again everytime. "Your mileage may (read: will probably) vary." Here below follow merely some of the highlights along my personal journey to and with Nazarene Israel, so far...

...And then there is Science, of course. Which could be considered to be just another religion again. Feel free to disagree. I don't care. ...and you can't make me care either. So, there! ... Looking up at the stars at night around a camp fire... What is out there? Astronomy, cosmology, quantum theories, hyperdimensional metaphysics... -- Aliens! UFOs, crop circles, conspiracy theories, urban legends... Don't you just love hiking, and camping out?

Perhaps you might want to take these following resources along on a nice, long, multi-day hike, or even just for a short solo stroll or saunter. ...or perhaps not. You decide. ... at your own risk, one way or another.

The Little Prince


The House at Pooh Corner

Return to Pooh Corner
-- Kenny Loggins

The Tao of Pooh

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Jonathan Livingston Seagull
-- Neil Diamond
(Love at the Greek)

Be / Dear Father / Lonely Looking Sky / Sanctus / Skybird / Be...


Man from Earth

This video here above is about some people having a discussion around a fire. It's not quite a campfire, but it is an entertaining story with some interesting concepts; well-written, well-acted. I do not agree with the usual, popular perspective on the Old Testament from the apparent point of view of someone who does not seem to have given living it a fair try for themselves, but ... I like the idea of considering alternatives to what we think we've been told to believe... ;)

The Prophet

Celebration of Discipline

101 Zen Stories:
Compilation of Zen Koans

The Gateless Gate

Tao Te Ching

The Art of Being:
The Inner Chapters

The Art of Being:
The Outer Chapters

The Art of Being:
The Miscellaneous Chapters

If you're interested in Nazarene Israel, here's a four-page document,
"Hebrew 101", which contains everything you need for a very basic and
concise introduction to reading the most important four-letter word of all. Much of Nazarene Israel is about getting back to the original Hebraic roots of Judeo-Christian Scripture, and playing around with textual patterns, looking for the beauty of conceptual associations... that lead to greater and deeper -- practical -- insight and understanding ...

It is recommended that you print it out, and flick the pages quickly, like a flipbook animation, and look for the similarities and differences among the pages. You can also arrange the pages in a 2x2, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, grid lay-out, for further comparison of patterns. ...And, maybe, one day -- one night, around a campfire, we can talk about it. ;)

The following are merely introductory videos to YouTube channels where you can find more, related information.

For further ideas in this general regard, this Chase Spirit blog post might be of interest.

...And then... If you're looking for a guru... Here, have some of mine. Rodney Norman. Like most, he's got some stuff that I don't agree with, but... generally, he's got enough wisdom for everyone, and then some left over. ;)

They say, "Don't judge a book etc." but...
here's Rodney's take on first impressions. ;)

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