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Created: 2020aug31mon

Updated: 2024jan21sun

Golan Krav Maga International
Western Cape - George

Personal Defense System
based on
The Israeli Special Forces Close-Combat System

This is not artistic, sportive or religious,
but a system to facilitate
less injury, damage and loss,
and greater survival,
as quickly as possible.

"You don't need to defend yourself
-- until you need to defend yourself."

Joe Geldenhuys
073 311 7005

Each piece of information here below will be headed by a hyperlink URL that opens a new page from where the original information was obtained. The information is arranged in decreasing order of importance as far as HIKING SAFETY is concerned.

Safety at Witfontein questioned
On 1 January eight men with sticks allegedly attempted to rob two runners in the plantation part above Fernridge near the old dam. The runners were chased by the suspects but managed to escape unharmed.

Journalist Kristy Kolberg | Thursday, 21 January 2021, 13:01

GEORGE NEWS - A warning has been sent out by a concerned local cyclist after alleged robbery attempts and actual robberies in the Witfontein area earlier this month.

According to the cyclist, who prefers to remain anonymous, he fell victim to an attempted robbery while assisting a brother and sister who had been robbed of cellphones, shoes and jewel[e]ry while hiking in the area on 3 January.

"It happened in the Witfontein plantation [on] the bottom [] Contour Road, near the botanical garden. I was on my mountain bike travelling east toward the garden when I passed a family on bicycles. A little further on[,] I was stopped by a brother and sister in their 20s.

"I was slightly confused at first[,] and also noticed three men about 60 metres ahead of us. The girl told me that they had been robbed by the three men who were now starting to run towards us," he said.

According to the cyclist[,] the three men chased after them[,] and he told the siblings to run and warn the family that he [had seen] earlier.

"I turned around as well[,] and[,] every time I looked back[,] the men were still chasing us. It felt like we were the prey[,] and they were hunting us."

The cyclist eventually caught up with the family and the couple. "When the muggers saw all of us[,] they realised they were outnumbered. They backed off[,] and walked away as if nothing had happened. The young woman called her parents who in turn tried calling the police."

The group stuck together and exited the area at the Arbour Road gate that [exits from] the plantation.

According to the cyclist[,] he became aware of two other recent incidents after telling people about his ordeal.

On 1 January[,] eight men with sticks allegedly attempted to rob two runners in the plantation part above Fernridge[,] near the old dam. The runners were chased by the suspects but managed to escape unharmed.

Apparently[,] there was another incident on 9 January, but details about this alleged robbery are unclear at this stage.

"The robbery was committed by a single armed man on a bicycle. He was wearing a helmet and bandanna. Unfortunately[,] we don't have more detail at this stage. My advice is to leave all valuables at home. Carry a large stick, [liquid] pepper spray [not gas] or some form of self[-]defence mechanism[,] and don't walk or cycle alone.

"Always make sure that you are in a group of at least four people. If possible, have a dog on a leash with you," he said.

George Herald is awaiting feedback from the George Police after an inquiry regarding safety in the area and the alleged incidents was sent earlier this week.


The traumatic incident happened while the victims were walking their dogs in the forest near Plantation Road.

Journalist Kristy Kolberg | Thursday, 16 November 2023, 13:21

GEORGE NEWS & VIDEO -- Using pepper spray on hikers while out in nature, seems to be the latest modus operandi used by criminals who prey on unsuspecting victims.

The chairperson of Camphersdrift, Glen Barrie and Heatherlands Neighbourhood Watch (CGHNW), Shawn Northey, urges the public to be extremely vigilant when hiking in the forest.

"The way in which the suspects attacked their victims, seems to be a new method of attack, and this is not the first recent incident where pepper spray was used," said Northey after an attack of two hikers earlier this week.

Police, neighbourhood watches and members of the local Community Police Forum (CPF) are still on a manhunt for two suspects after two elderly women were assaulted and robbed of all their belongings on Monday afternoon, 13 November, at 16:30.

The traumatic incident happened while the victims were walking their dogs in the forest near Plantation Road.

The suspects, armed with sticks and pepper spray, approached the victims on their walk, and demanded all their personal belongings while beating them and their dogs with sticks and spraying them with pepper spray. The victims, who sustained serious injuries during the attack, tried to retaliate by using their own pepper spray, and the attackers fled on foot towards Blanco.

Images of the victims George Herald was privy to, showed one of the women with blood running from her head and face, and the other with a deep wound to her arm.

According to Southern Cape police spokesperson Sgt Chris Spies, the victims noticed two men following them while they were walking. The men assaulted the women and robbed them of jewellery and other personal belongings. "One of the victims sustained injuries to the head and the other to the arm, believed to be inflicted with a stick," he said.

The investigation officer in this case, WO Francois Kleyn, urges the public to come forward with any information that could lead to the arrest of the assailants. Anyone with information may contact him at the George Detective Branch on 044 803 4715.

On the mend

Northey says, despite their injuries and still being a bit shaken up, the victims are on the mend and are doing okay under the circumstances. "We ask that they are respected at this time and given the time to sort things out. A trauma counsellor has been in contact with them and will assist where needed."

He also reminds the public that, when an incident like this occurs, they must not send out unverified information and photos on social media, as this might jeopardise a successful conviction. "Any additional information that is found, can be relayed to your neighbourhood watch or police for further investigation," he said.

George Herald requested comment from the victims, but they politely declined.

Keeping our Forests Safe

Keeping our Forests Safe (KOFS) is a community effort to help eliminate crime in the George forested and mountainous areas. They were established in 2021 after a spate of attacks in the Witfontein forest area. They have done amazing work for the area so far, but, to keep the initiative going and to make Wiftontein a safer place for everyone to enjoy the outdoors, the team will need funding.

They rely heavily on the community and business owners for donations to implement all the necessary security features they have in mind.

Anyone who would like to assist KOFS, can contact Northey on 082 657 4539.


"Suddenly one of the men came from the back and started spraying them with pepper spray. Fortunately, they are quite strong riders and both managed to sprint away fast enough to escape," said the mother of one of the women.
Journalist Alida de Beer | Sunday, 21 January 2024, 13:56

GEORGE NEWS - Two female participants in the Attakwaskloof Extreme cycle race that took place on Saturday, narrowly escaped what they presume was an attempt to rob their bicycles in George.

The two women went for a ride in the Montagu Pass this morning, Sunday 21 January, to spin their legs.

They were cycling back at a leisurely pace and when they got to the bottom of the pass between the Toll House and low water bridge, they passed two men walking in the road.

“They thought nothing of it, but suddenly one of the men came from the back and started spraying them with pepper spray.

"Fortunately, they are quite strong riders and both managed to sprint away fast enough to escape,” said the mother of one of the cyclists who want to remain anonymous.

She said they had overnighted in accommodation in Blanco near Fancourt.

“They were able to get there fast. My daughter got most of the spray in her face and it was quite a struggle to get it cleaned. Pepper spray is quite debilitating.

"We are just grateful that they escaped unharmed and would like to warn the public to be vigilant in that area.”

The two riders are from Kwazulu-Natal and Johannesburg respectively.

Vrou op Cradockpiek gered

Journalist Michelle Pienaar | Friday, 28 August 2020, 17:47

GEORGE NUUS - ‘n Bergklimuitstappie vir ‘n stapgroep van vier het vanoggend ‘n nare verloop gehad toe een van die stappers, ‘n vrou in haar veertigs, met die terugkomslag geval en kopbeserings opgedoen het.

Die stappers het die Cradockpiek-staproete vanaf Montagupas aangedurf.

Volgens Richard Botha, streeksbestuurder van Metro EMS, was hulle reeds op pad terug toe die ongeluk omstreeks 10:00 plaasgevind het.

“Sy het geval en haar kop gestamp. ‘n Metro-reddingspan, George-brandweer, Outeniqua Trail Search and Rescue en ‘n AMS-reddingshelikopter was op die toneel,” het Botha gesê.

Die beseerde vrou is per helikopter na George-hospitaal gevlieg en die res van die stapgeselskap is ook per helikopter na die landingsplek gevlieg waar die nooddienste bymekaar gekom het.

Volgens Botha was die beseerde vrou in ‘n stabiele toestand.

@_ArriveAlive 6:24 PM - Aug 28, 2020

Hiking Tip from Air Rescue on Cradock Peak - wear bright clothing and have an old CD to reflect/reveal your position #HikingSafety


Raising funds for children with diabetes


A group of adventurers from George in the Western Cape, including an SABC video journalist, have climbed to the top of George Peak in the Outeniqua mountains, for a charitable cause. They attempted this feat to raise money for children with diabetes.

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