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  • Writer's picturewalkwater

Hiker out of the Office

You can get the hiker out of the office, but can you get the office out of the hiker?


This used to be part of the Trails homepage on this wixsite, but I've decided to clean things up a bit.


Most hikers seem to suffer from destination/deadline syndrome, which causes them to become upset if they don't get "there" on time. It is very easy to cure this syndrome. Simply consider the primary goal to be to go outside, get some fresh air and exercise, and, hopefully, see something beautiful and/or learn something new along the way. Then it is no disappointment not to reach the supposed "destination" before the self-imposed deadline, because then it actually becomes OK to turn around halfway. Also, then, reaching the destination, is simply just another pleasant bonus along the way. Furthermore, this new, relaxed mindset also frees us to become more than mere hikers, but actual adventurers, explorers and discoverers of new and beautiful places and sights, often off the beaten track, across the fence, on the road "less traveled by, And that has made all the difference."


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