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Updated: Sep 25, 2021

sociocide of trust

for nobody

no outside

take the inside with us

no smile anymore

invisible behind the mask

no logic in exercise

climbing on and off the table

no "how are you?" in person

just "how's my audio?" video test

no handshake

sieg heil ensures your social distance


false-negative asymptomatic superspreading



It's taken 386 days to come to this realisation,

as reflected in the typography.)



This is ... very ... strange/interesting(?)...

Where did it come from?

It looks like someone hacked my Wix account...

I only respond to this now, because I linked Chase's latest "Mountain-proof Hips" video on the training page, and then noticed the new Wix accessibility wizard, which indicated that I should update the html page-headers, and here is this strange blog-post...

My usual "w/walkwater" logo/identity has apparently been replaced in some attempt at anonymity.

The author has copied my preferred, streamlined date-format in the note after the first asterisk. ... "Few greater compliments than imitation," I guess. So, thanks, whoever you are.

386 days before 2021apr16fri was around 2020mar27fri, when the first South African lock-down started... Also, "realisation" with an "s"... is South African/UK spelling... Hmmm... ... South African, perhaps? ... Could be imitation again...

Who could this be? I don't think any of my friends or acquaintances would even know what the phrase "1337 haxx0r skillz" means... How did they get past my password? Has Wix's password database been compromised and leaked? Nothing else seems to have been edited on this site. ... Benevolent tagging-artist, therefore?

... Interesting poem...

... "reflected in the typography"?...

There's a definite progression in the line length of the second line of each verse. The line lengths of the first lines of the first four verses seem to be catching up to that of the corresponding second lines, but then drop off quickly in verses 5 and 6 again, while the line lengths of the second lines continue to increase. ... Also, the first line of verse 6 is even shorter than that of verse 1.

The theme seems to be generally negatively referring to C19.

My interpretation of the first two verses seems to refer to the mask, and how we "don't leave home without it" anymore. Yeah... What's the purpose in smiling, if no-one else can see it?

Verse three is scarily accurate...! I did that! ... climb on and off my desk, in an attempt to get some hiking exercise. I suppose other people could also have done that too. ... How many, though? ... Might not be all that many of us who have done that. The really scary part... is that I've actually given up on doing exercise under my self-imposed isolation. I don't see the logic in going outside anymore, if we don't absolutely have to, when the risks for everyone else around us is still not past? This poem is so me... at this moment. (However, I do plan on returning to normal as soon as safely possible again.)

Yeah. Video calls... That, and WhatsApp messages, is the extent of my social interaction. ...for how long now already? "no 'how are YOU?' ... just 'how's MY audio?'." ...

That "sieg heil" bit... is scary as well. ... Good idea, though: help each other keep our social distance. ... But bad reference. "[my] sieg heil ensures YOUR social distance" ... pushing people away. Lock-down protocols bring us to the point where we don't mind so much anymore having to do it.

"false-negative asymptomatic superspreading"... ... Sounds like they're referring to ... Typhoid Mary's great-great-great-great-grandchildren, Karen and Ken.

It's all the uncertainty, I guess: we don't know whether our test results are truly trustworthy, or not, what with even only the slightest possibility of false results and all that, as is the case with any such testing; we don't truly ever really know whether we're carriers, or not. If someone's test results are negative, but they're actually asymptomatic, and end up being a superspreader... what was all our effort for then? A false-positive C19-test result would be better for everybody. Whether Karen and Ken would isolate themselves, though, after getting such a result... Going by Great-gran Mary's example, I guess not.

...and so, I guess, we don't trust each other anymore. ...and so, I guess, society commits suicide.

I find it sad how the first-line lengths seem to be catching up, and then eventually just give up as the situation continues keeping on getting worse. ...And you know what I realise just now?... Although the second line-length progression is clearly visible, the first line-lengths are sort of hidden, "behind the headlines" as it were, and you don't really notice what's happening to them... unless you know what to look for.

... Also just noticed: all lower-case, no punctuation... seems to confirm the giving up; don't care anymore. ... Just haven't got any strength left, not even for capitalisation. ... No breath left, not even for a full stop to end a sentence.

I guess "reflected in the typography" refers to the giving up in verse 5, and then the "realisation", and the subsequent verbalisation in the form of this poem in verse 6, after 386 days. (So, they're counting the days... - like a prisoner in solitary confinement. ... Well... here's hoping for a shortened sentence due to good behaviour.)

... Good poem. ... Well-written, IMHO. A lot actually seems to be said in relatively few words. ... Dark theme, though.

I'll keep it up here, and I invite the anonymous haxx0r to post again any time, since they clearly seem to know what they're doing.

Thanks, whoever you are.)

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