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Created: 2024mar06wed

Updated: 2024mar06wed


Google Map​​

Garmin eTrex 22x Route Data:

Maximum Altitude: 832m
Total Distance: 6.851km
Total Ascent: 510m

Max Elev-Angle: -85.77deg
Slope Length: 11m

Qualitative Danger: 3/5

I don't really know what everyone is going on about. Tierkop, from anywhere, is a harder hike than Losberg. The last bit of scrambling to the top of Losberg is a bit more dangerous, though, but really not all that much either. Distinguish: more difficult vs. more dangerous -- they require different methods of measurement. People want level road, it seems. ...but longer level-road can be more tiresome/harder than a few, shorter ups and downs. OK, woteva. Agree to disagree. Moving on.

"Losberg" = "Loose Mountain", because it stands detached from the surrounding mountains, affording nice, 360-degree views.

My GPS went a bit haywire that day, as mentioned in the video, and as apparent from the max. altitude discrepancy: 832m vs. 851m, according to the trig beacon on top of Losberg, and the view down from there onto the Outeniqua Pass. Also, got some really funky elevation and depression angles in the original GPS-data: more than 90-degree climbs up and down -- but there aren't any such crazy climbs on Losberg! So, I took the next best, close to the top; the data says 85.77deg going up... So, that means -85.77deg coming back down again as well. It's a bit of a scramble, I suppose, but somehow (I forget why) I did not consider it necessary to record it on vide. Perhaps I should have. Maybe I'll do it next time.

Nice morning-hike, with a little bit of adventure, but not too much.

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