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Vandalens Peak Cave

Created: 2023jul05wed

Updated: 2024jan23tue


Wikiloc Map

Maximum Altitude: 923m
Total Distance: 9.123km
Total Elevation-Gain: 780m

Specific Gradient: -79deg
Slope Length: 13m

Qualitative Danger: 4.5/5

It's uphill. ...and it only gets steeper. ...But the view is pretty nice, and the cave is cool. Going up might be harder work, but coming back down is trickier.

The video shows, at 13:43, a "* False Summit", and, at 16:05, it's "Easy to get confused". ... Even easier than what it seems... to the extent that we were actually confused about our own confusion -- without even realising it! It was actually a *FALSE* false summit. The first peak IS actually Vandalens, and the cave is under the NEXT peak, which apparently does not have a name on the local topological-maps. I only discovered this upon uploading the .gpx file, AFTER I had already uploaded the video to YouTube. Oh, well... Now you know.

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