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Tierkloof Waterfall

Created: 2020jul16thu

Updated: 2021may29sat



​Google Maps:

​​Start     End


(somewhere there...)

Cradock Pass

Maximum Altitude: 650m

Total Distance: 9.4km

(Google Maps)

Total Elevation-Gain: 485m

Specific Gradient: N/A

Slope Length: N/A

Qualitative Danger: 2/5

Crossing the Keur River at the start of our route, required a little bit of bundu bashing. Also, the turn-off from the railway line back onto the Cradock Pass is unclear. Other than that, it's easy to see the way ahead.

Starting at the Toll House, the path across the Keur River stream is unclear, but does not require bundu bashing. On the other side of the stream, turn left to go up Cradock Pass, which seems to be a shorter route. Otherwise, turn right, and go across the Tierkloof stream to follow the path that we hiked in the video.

It is not recommended to leave vehicles at the Toll House. Rather arrange for transport to drop and fetch.

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