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"Outeniqua View", Venster- & Tolberg

Created: 2020jul16thu

Updated: 2021may29sat



​​​Google Maps:

​​Start/End   Skurwekop

Outeniqua View


Eagle Rock


Maximum Altitude: 1270m

Total Distance: 7.8km


Total Elevation-Gain: 852m


Specific Gradient: -80deg

Slope Length: 10m

Qualitative Danger: 4.5/5

It's about 6km all around, but only to Eagle Rock; not all the way to the top of Tolberg. The numbers say it all: it's not as much of a climb as George Peak, but it is more technical. Outeniqua View is the easy one. Vensterberg is more tricky. The way to Tolberg is even more tricky, and, having done it about four times now already, I have yet to go all the way to Tolberg still.

However, there seems to be some confusion regarding the naming of the peaks. It is apparently agreed that "Outeniqua View" isn't an official name, but merely a description indicating the relatively wide view of the Outeniqua Mountains all around. This is in contrast to George and Cradock Peaks where the view is obstructed to the north and to the south, respectively, by the other peak in each case. Moreover, what has been indicated to me to be "Outeniqua View", the Berg-en-Dal Hiking Club refer to as "Tolberg", and vice versa.

On the other hand, tough, according to OpenStreetMap/OpenTopoMap in comparison with Google Maps (3D satellite view), it seems that what is generally referred to as "Vensterberg", is actually rather Geelhoutboomberg. Furthermore, although there is a Tolberg on the western side of Outeniqua Pass, it is actually significantly further south/south-east than the either of the peaks which are commonly referred to as "Tolberg".

The names of the peaks indicated in the video, are those as described to me originally.

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