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Nature's Valley - Keurbooms Beach

Created: 2020jul16thu

Updated: 2021may29sat



Check the tides at Plettenberg Bay (for the week ahead). Hike at about low tide.

​Google Maps:

​​Start     End

Maximum Altitude: 230m

Total Distance: 13.1km


Total Elevation-Gain: 457m


Specific Gradient: +75deg

Slope Length: 2m

Qualitative Danger: 2/5

We hiked at spring low-tide. We were the last of the group to return to Keurbooms. It took us almost 7 hours, which is a nice, enjoyable, leisurely pace, of about 2km/h, including breaks and picnics.


The terrain varies significantly along the hike from sand and pebble beaches to rocks requiring some scrambling, to shallow river-crossings, to forest and fynbos, to uphills and lookout points, and much else besides.


It is a technically easier, but longer hike than Glentana. It is technically more demanding than the Kleinkrantz to Gericke's Point hike, but approximately the same distance.


An interesting site along the way is the Van Rooyen forest-hut scene next to the green, stagnant pond from the 2019 "Fiela se Kind" movie. Other scenes from the movie might also be recognisable.

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