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George-Dam Swim

Created: 2024feb21wed

Updated: 2024feb21wed


Google Map​​

Garmin eTrex 22x Route Data:

Maximum Altitude: 383m
Total Distance: 16.111km
Total Ascent: 453m

Min Elev-Angle: -54.54deg
Slope Length: 17m

Qualitative Danger: 2/5

The GPS went a bit hay-wire down in the valley, below the dam wall, but the general vicinity is more-or-less correct. The video is more accurate in pinpointing the descent.

Long hike, but not very technical. Bit of bundu-bashing from the road down to the pool, and back again, afterwards. Sharp, shallow rocks, not visible underwater, don't really make from safe jumping and diving, but it's a good pool to relax in on a hot day. Nice picnic spot. Some kloofing opportunity down the valley, on another day...

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