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Forest-Birding Hike

Created: 2024jan21sun

Updated: 2024jan21sun


Google Map​​

Garmin eTrex 22x Route Data:

Maximum Altitude: 303m
Total Distance: 6.63km
Total Ascent: 123m

Max Elev-Angle: 46.2deg
Slope Length: 25m

Qualitative Danger: 0.8/5

Easy, sunday-morning stroll. If you're capable of sitting down and keeping quiet for a while, I think it's a nice birding hike (although I'm no great bird-watcher myself, actually; so, I couldn't really say).
I was very pleasantly surprised that we actually managed to encounter a grey cuckooshrike in such close proximity. Although we didn't get to see any turacoes (Knysna loeries), we did hear them in the distance.

This section of the forest is, however, sadly, relatively notorious for muggings, and for bird watchers being relieved of their expensive cameras and other equipment, from time to time. Muggers have been reported to move in relatively big groups as well (8 persons, more or less), carrying pangas/machetes, and using pepper spray on their victims and their victims' dogs. It also sounds like they actually practise to desensitise themselves against pepper spray.

Therefore, go in a BIG group -- and stick together; don't split up. Have liquid (not aerosol) pepper-spray at the ready -- in hand. Carry sturdy, heavy walking-sticks (trekking poles are useless for personal defense). Leave your cameras at home.

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