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Cross Sunset

Created: 2024feb07wed

Updated: 2024feb07wed


Google Map​​

Garmin eTrex 22x Route Data:

Maximum Altitude: 611m
Total Distance: 6km
Total Ascent: 352m

Max Depr-Angle: -40.0deg
Slope Length: 39m

Qualitative Danger: 2/5

It's uphill. It's a climb. You're going to work for it. Take a headlamp, even if you intend to go back down while there's still light left, during civil twilight for 30min after sunset. Chances are, on the way home again, at least some of that uphill will be downhill in the dark -- downhill is always more tricky than uphill, and especially so if it's dark.

Other than that, it's a nice hike with wide, panoramic views, and the lights are always pretty. You might also see some different critters in the dark that you don't always see in the day.

If you can make it to the cross in an hour or an hour and a half, and you feel good about it, and still are strong enough... you might be ready to start considering doing George Peak within the foreseeable future, either around the back from Witfontein (longer, but less technical), or up the front along the Vertical Kilometre (VK). Making it to the cross, you're more than halfway to George Peak -- although the second half is a LOT tougher than the first. Depending on how you feel when you get to George Peak, you might even consider doing Cradock Peak as well, while you're at it, and while you're in the neighbourhood.

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