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The Link

Created: 2024jan23tue

Updated: 2024jan23tue


Google Map​​

Garmin eTrex 22x Route Data:

Maximum Altitude: 357m
Total Distance: 1.789km
Total Ascent: 81m

Max Depr-Angle: -27deg
Slope Length: 79m

Qualitative Danger: 2/5

In the mornings before work, this is my hiking-fitness training trail. I carry my hiking backpack with me, for weight-resistance. Nose breathing (in stead of mouth breathing) while hiking has also contributed significantly to my hiking fitness. I usually jog downhill, because I enjoy it more than walking it.

It usually keeps me busy for about 30min, after which I take a cold shower, and then I'm ready for the day to begin. Including the walk from, and back to my house, I seem to manage a little bit better than 4km/h, on average, for this short hike.

I usually do this alone, but I take my umbrella and paintball pistol with me, as deterrents against highwaymen. Laugh at my umbrella, and I'll come shove it up your nose; then we talk again about how good of a deterrent (amongst many other things as well) it actually is. Don't go alone. Don't do as I do -- do as I say.

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