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Created: 2024feb27tue

Updated: 2024feb27tue

This is my usual, hot-soak, Future Life/Morvite-boosted Oats-based fruit-and-nut breakfast. It gets me all the way to the top of George Peak without having to stop for snacks. ("Hot soak", as opposed to "cold soak". Google is your friend.) I've been having this breakfast pretty much daily for more than a decade now already, and I'm still not tired of it.

Future Life is expensive; Morvite not so much. Both of them have pretty much the same good stuff in them; Morvite just has lower concentrations of it. The Morvite stretches the Future Life to last about a month, when you add them as a booster-mix to the oats base in a ratio of oats:booster = 2:1 (the blue coffee-scoop used for the oats = the white 15ml-scoop used for the booster in the video). Add fruit, nuts, dairy, etc. to taste. No extra sugar/salt required. It's not a heavy breakfast, but it lasts.

The video has a link in the top right-hand corner to Carl de Campos' video of where he and I made a blindfolded breakfast together at his place. I make pretty much the same breakfast in both videos; only I forgot the booster-mix at home in Carl's video.

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