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Animal Communication

Created: 2020dec26sat

Updated: 2021may29sat

The video clip below is supposed to start playing at 05:00 into a short interview with Anna Breytenbach, animal communicator. If it doesn't, go to the 05:00 mark on the video's timeline for yourself. ...or watch the whole 06:42.
Although I think and believe sincerely and wholeheartedly that it is necessary for humans to invest the time to relearn how to listen to animals again, not in order to answer, but rather to hear ... what we have forgotten about them, and ourselves, and our relationship ... with everyone and everything... although I believe that all of this is necessary, nevertheless - for me - this message is not about the wow of animal communication as such, but rather about the actual message that the animals communicate. It's about listening to what they have to say.
... - Just exactly so that we can understand WHY it is necessary for us to relearn how to listen...

Whether the message is communicated by the baboons, or by Anna, or the government, or the police, or the man in the moon, or anybody else for that matter... is irrelevant. It is not about the messenger, nor the medium of communication - it is about the actual content of the message.
Listen, and learn: it is because of our own wastefulness that we are in the mess that we are. Demonstrate your learning by changing your ways.

Anna is remarkably and exceptionally tactful and diplomatic about it - amazingly so, as a matter of fact. ... you'll see. ...And I greatly admire her skill in human communication as well. ...But I'm going to spin it the other way - deliberately, purposefully, premeditatedly and cold-bloodedly. ... So that you will - hopefully - actually hear what the baboons have to say about us... and understand why it is so shameful to be called "human".

...and then you'll also get to feel how all my negative energy shows you how not to communicate. (See, I know exactly what I'm busy doing here... Learn from this as well. Change your ways. Learn! Change! Learn how to change. ...for the better.)


"Leave only footprints.
 Take  only photographs.
 Kill  only time."

...Or so the slogan goes.
However, extending the concept of reducing our carbon "footprint"... as far as possible - (1) don't even leave ordinary footprints either! Your presence in nature should be indistinguishable from that of any other animal - and leave even less of an imprint.

(2) Sure, take some photographs, if you want - but only for educational purposes. Every photograph or video you take, contributes to your carbon footprint. Think about the resources it took to produce your recording device, and how much it takes to process the data, but, more importantly... - what are you going to do with the result?...

How many thousands of photographs do you take? How many hundreds of millions of other people like you are doing just exactly the same thing out there? How many of those photographs does anyone ever look at again? How many of them are just some more waste ...of time, effort, and our limited and dwindling resources?

Next time you want to fool around with some more, common, gratuitously self-absorbed and ego-centric photography, ask yourself: "What message am I broadcasting into the world by taking, and sharing, this photograph/video? striking this self-important and attention-seeking, yet fake, plastic, unnatural, nonsensical, flat and empty selfie-pose?"

(3) Kill time? Really? Is this just another time-waster activity for you? There's that word again: "waste". If you don't learn anything from the experience ... then, I am truly and honestly, deeply and sincerely sorry to say: you're not part of the solution.

"Invest the time
 to learn a new lesson
 without leaving a trace,
 and change our ways
 - for the better."


Saw a movie once; forget what it's called. There was this one scene where this runaway teenanger is met by a forest ranger, and invited to go along to cut down a tree, or something rangery like that. The ranger shares some kind of snack bar with him. The guy pulls off the wrapper, and just drops it right there on the ground. The ranger tells him to pick it up. "Why? It's rubbish." ... If you don't see what's wrong with this picture, then you're not part of the solution.

I do sincerely and wholeheartedly think and believe - to the extent that I live my life accordingly, for you to judge (because that is what "faith" requires) - that it is necessary for us to invest the time to relearn how to listen to animals again, so that we can change our ways for the better. (... If not through our actions, and by the way we live our life, then how does our faith become manifest? Show me faith without works, and I'll show you a useless - and wasteful - faith. James 2:18)


I recommend watching the rest of Anna's videos. Her YouTube channel is called "Animal Spirit", and so is her website. There are also many other interviews with her, and documentaries about her work, as well as many other animal communicators. Apply your own filters. Your mileage may vary. ...but learn, and change - for the better.


Recently came across Rob Greenfield on YouTube. He has something to say about waste. Dumpster diving/dining in America is an actual thing - you should see it to believe it! I highly recommend that we pay attention to his message, and the way he communicates it, and attempt to incorporate at least a little bit of it in our own lives, in order to set a worthy example for others - especially our children - to follow, and to propagate to the generations after them.

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